What makes this even more amazing is that the ECB had not bought a single bond at the time. 而更令人惊讶的是,欧洲央行那时还未曾购买任何债券。
A single bond market would be evidence, at last, that they are choosing the first option. 建立单一公债市场将最终证明,它们要选的是第一条道路。
So you can see that there is going to be two sets in antibonding, three sets in bonding for a net of one, giving us the single bond. 因此你能看到,反键轨道上有两组,三组成键,得到一组净成键,所以成的是单键。
When we have just a single bond in them molecule, you have all the free rotation you want, you can just spin it around, there's nothing keeping it in place. 当我们在分子力只有一个单键时,你可以随意旋转,你可以让它转起来,没有什么东西能固定住它。
( chemistry) of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond. (化学)指有机化合物;含有两个或者多个双键,其中每个键都通过单键与其他键分离。
It's the people here, from dozens of countries, all connected by a single bond. 这里的人们,来自数十个国家,大家都心系在一起。
And seal me there your single bond. 在那给我签下你唯一的担保。
So if we look at its length, it's actually shorter than a single bond, but longer than a double bond. 因此如果我们看它的键长的话,它实际上比单键更短,却比双键更长。
So, if we take a look at what a single bond is, and let me grab some molecules here. 如果来我们看一下单键,让我拿个分子。
OK, then it says draw a single bond from each surrounding atom to the central atom, and subtract two valence electrons. 后将中心原子与其相邻原子之间,连上单键,然后减掉2个价电子。
And we find the same thing for these two atoms here, it's not actually a double bond, it's somewhere between a single bond and a double bond. 而且我们发现这两个原子的情况是一样的,它其实不是一个双键,而是介于单键与双键之间的。
Please kindly note our company doesn't sell single bond for ISF entry. 注意,我们公司是不卖单票保证金的。
Remember, every time we have two electrons that are being shared, that's a single bond. 还记得,每次我们有两个电子被共用,我们就有了一个单键。
And something that we'll see later on is that triple bonds, for example, are going to be stronger than a corresponding double bond or a corresponding single bond. 而我们以后还会看到三键,举例来说,应该更强,相较于相应的双键,或者相应的单键来说。
Yeah, we'd expect to see a single bond in hydrogen. 嗯,我们预计在氢分子里会看到一个单键。
Whereas in molecular orbital theory, what I'm telling you is instead we understand that the electrons are spread all over the molecule, they're not just associated with a single atom or a single bond. 而在分子轨道理论里,我要告诉你们的时,我们任为电子分布在整个分子中,它们不仅仅是和,一个原子或者一个键有关。
Under their scheme, a member states debt of up to 60 per cent of gross domestic product would be folded into a single bond, while governments remain responsible for any debts above that threshold. 根据他们的方案,可将成员国的一部分政府债券并入一个单一债券,规模上限是各国国内生产总值(GDP)的60%,而高于这个门槛的任何债务都仍将由各国政府承担。
It's a1 and1/ 2 because it's halfway between a double bond and a single bond. 是因为它介于,单键和双键中间。
So if we have a single bond here, would you consider that a sigma bond or a pi bond? 如果这里有个单键,你觉得这是sigma键还是π键?
And by that what we mean is that they're absolutely identical, and it turns out that this here is not a double bond, it's not a single bond either, it's actually something in between. 这意味着它们是绝对完全相同的,实际情况应该是这不是一个双键,这也不是一个单键,而是介于两者之间的状态。
I have heard the first EU official admitting openly that maybe nobody will apply and the ECB may never have to buy a single bond. 我曾听那位欧盟第一官员公开承认,或许不会有国家申请OMT,那样一来欧洲央行可能永远不需要购买任何债券。
We would predict to see a single bond between lithium, and it turns out that's what we see. 我们可以预测在锂中会看到一个单键,而实际上确实是这样的。
The excited process of laser-induced dissociation without thermal excited activation of diatomic molecules that only have one single bond is treated using the S-matrix method in quantum electrodynamics. 用量子电动力学中的S矩阵法处理了只有一个单键的双原子分子在激光引起的无热激活分解反应中的激发过程。
The single bond radius, atomic vibrating energy and atomic potential energy increase with the increase of temperature; 单键操作的多功能定时器单键半径,原子动能和原子势能随温度上升而增加;
The single bond radius increases with the elevating temperature; 原子的单键半径随温度升高而增大;
After detailed look into modes of duration and convexity, this paper introduces the general investment portfolio theories and illustrating examples about single bond, bond portfolios consisting of two bonds, bond investment strategies in funds management. 在较为详细的讨论了久期和凸性的理论之后,本文介绍了债券组合的一般策略并以单个债券、简单债券组合和基金管理中的债券组合为例进行了分析。
Conclusion In two different models the bonding strength has no significant difference between Gluma comfort bond and Single bond. 结论Glumacomfortbond和singlebond分别在两种建模方式下进行比较,两种粘结剂粘结强度的差异无显著性意义。
The results show that it is the smallest number of covalent electrons in d state of fcc-Au among that of the three structures that leads to the biggest single bond radii and atomic volume. 结果表明:OA理论得到的fcc-Au电子结构中的共价d电子数最少,从而导致fcc-Au具有最大的单键半径以及最大的原子体积;
To single bond, without considering the influence of market interest rate, the investment adventure relates to the target income rate. 对单一证券来说,在不考虑市场利率因素影响的情况下,其投资风险和投资者的目标收益率有关。
The variation of electronic structure leads to the increase of single bond radius and atomic volume and other changes of physical properties. 电子结构的转变是导致原子单键半径增大和体积增加及其他物理性质发生改变的根本原因。